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How Often To Replace Mattress

Invest In The Right Foundation

How Often Should I Replace My Mattress?

If you have a new mattress, be sure to purchase the matching box spring or foundation. This helps keep your mattress from wearing prematurely and preserving materials integrity! If you’re shopping for a new bed, be sure to research the types of mattresses it will support and make recommendations based on your needs.

Boxsprings are generally used with spring beds while memory foam is an option other than firm solid ones like metal or concrete slabs that provide better softness but no significant bounce back when sleeping off-the-ground due their low weight distributing characteristics.

How Often Should You Replace Your Mattress And Box Spring

Sleep is important. It’s one of the most crucial things your body needs in order to function at its best. And yet, a lot of people don’t get enough sleep because they’re not comfortable when they’re trying to sleep. If you’re waking up with aches and pains or feeling generally unrested, it might be time to replace your mattress and box spring. But how often should you do that?

Here, we discuss how often you should replace your mattress and box springs, along with some tips to extend their lifespan!

When Is It Time To Replace Your Mattress

Signs Of Wear

It’s time to swap your mattress if you can feel the coils through it. Sagging, lumps, and an obvious loss of firmness in certain areas signal that your old friend is way past its prime. This could lead to muscle soreness and disrupted sleep for those who are sleeping on their mattresses too often or not long enough!

Its always a good idea when shopping around for new furniture pieces to test out what we like before committing especially with something as important as our bedding. If you find yourself feeling uncomfortable getting into bed at night , then this might be indicative of sagging springs beneath your body which means it may be time for a change-

Noisy Springs

Getting a good night’s sleep is so important for your well-being. It can even affect how you perform at work, but the right mattress will do wonders to put you in that deep slumber every single time.

One of the most common indicators, when springs are worn down past their lifespan, is making noise as people get on or off the bed this not only disturbs others trying to sleep near an individual changing positions, it also wakes up other family members who happen to be sleeping nearby and may go unnoticed by those with hearing impairments.

Muscle Stiffness Or Sore Back

You Can Feel Your Partner Moving At Night

Worsening Of Allergies

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What Happens If You Dont Change Your Mattress

I understand that a mattress can be a major expense, and therefore it can be tempting to put off purchasing a replacement, but can you put a price on a good nights sleep?

A recent study at the Oklahoma State University found that people slept much better on new mattresses rather than on their own . And a better nights sleep has a direct influence on both your physical and mental health.

For example, did you know that allergens and dust particles can build up in the fibres of your mattress? If its not regularly cleaned, you could find yourself having sneezing fits or itchy eyes in the night, which will surely fragment your sleep and cause you to be tired the following day.

Plus, as you age, your body becomes more sensitive to pressure. Therefore, if youre an older adult, you may suffer from mattress related issues sooner than a younger person. So, dont put off buying a new bed!

Your Mattress Is 5 Or More Years Old

How Often Should You Replace Your Mattress?

While this isnt the only criteria to use when deciding how often you should change your mattress, its still an important one. If youve had your mattress for at least 5 years its recommended you start monitoring its health more regularly. You should ask yourself all of the above questions at least once every 6-12 months. If your mattress isnt allowing you to rest, its degrading, or its effecting your partners sleep it could be time change your mattress.

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Signs That It’s Time To Change Your Mattress

There are certain situations and scenarios where you would benefit from changing your mattress to something new. These include the following:

Your body has changed If you weight has increased since you first bought your mattress and you now find it too soft, pick a firmer option for better support. If it has decreased and your mattress now feels too hard, pick a softer model that cushions your main pressure points .

Youre waking up with a sore back Sagging mattresses cause sore backs and necks, plus joint pain. Look for one with zoned support from top to toe, but if your back pain is severe, ask a physiotherapist for recommendations first.

Youre hot and bothered Not only does sweat cause mattress staining, but sleeping hot is a breeding ground for dust mites . Thankfully, many mattresses now use cooling technologies and antimicrobial materials like copper to combat hot sleeping and pesky mites.

Youre sneezing and coughing more If youre waking up or unable to sleep because of coughing, itching and sneezing, your ageing mattress could be to blame.

With years of build-up to feast upon, dust mites can trigger allergies. They love snacking on dead skin cells, then leaving droppings that aggravate your allergies.

Youre Aware Of Creases:

Mattress creases and sagging are easier to see. Your mattress life could be coming to an end if you notice an imprint as in contour of your figure on it. From sliding into or out of the mattress, these sags are also apparent on the borders of your mattress. Mattresses that have soft patches and sags arent any longer feasible. The further patches on your mattress, the greater uncomfortable it is.

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Waking Up Stiff Or Struggling To Sleep

An old mattress struggles to support your weight, leaving you stiff and sore in the morning. You may even find yourself unable to fall asleep, tossing and turning on your old mattress as you try to get comfortable.

If you consistently struggle to sleep, then may want to consider getting a new mattress.

Worsening Allergies Or Asthma

How often should I change my mattress?

If its not allergy season and theres no alternate explanation for an uptick in allergy or asthma symptoms, your mattress might be the culprit. Slate interviewed an expert on dust mites that said your mattress is a crime scene in terms of how it gets inoculated with mites over time.

The protein in dust mite feces may cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks and so can the dust that accumulates in your mattress. Vacuuming, steaming, and flipping your mattress might reduce dust and mites to ease your symptoms. If these steps dont help, a new mattress might be the solution.

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Mattress Myth 2 A Firm Mattress Is The Best Mattress For Your Back

To minimize pain and discomfort and help your body relax into healing, regenerative sleep, you need a mattress that conforms to your favorite sleeping positions while supporting all areas of your body conformability and support. In general, mattresses fall into three categories.

  • Soft mattresses tend to conform to your shape but fail to deliver uniform support across the entire body.
  • Medium-firm mattresses tend to deliver equally on conformability and support and alleviate pressure point pain in most people.
  • Very firm mattresses offer good support but little conformability, which can lead to pressure point pain.

How Can I Tell When To Replace A Mattress

If you’re reading this, you may already suspect that you need a new mattress. Maybe it just looks less than inviting or you’ve noticed lumps or sagging. Perhaps you slept like a baby at a friend’s house or a hotel only to come home to toss and turn once again. There are many ways to tell when it’s finally time.

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Tips To Choose A New Mattress

When looking for a new mattress, you need to consider:

  • The material of the mattress: If you want more support and bounce and do not want to spend too much, you can use a spring or hybrid mattress. Both provide bounce and support and are suitable for sleepers in any position. Memory foam and latex are higher-end mattresses that provide body contouring, pressure relief and are more durable and comfortable.
  • Sleeping position: While back-sleepers and stomach sleepers do well with firm to medium-firm mattresses, side sleepers feel the most comfortable with soft to medium ones.
  • Weight and body type: The heavier the weight, the more wear and tear the mattress will face, eventually shortening its lifespan.

If confused about mattresses, here are some facts you need to know:

Start With A Quality Mattress

How Often Should You Change Your Mattress?

It only stands to reason that the quality of your mattress materials has a lot to do with when you’ll need a new bed. If you buy a bed with a lower quality innerspring for example, it’s going to wear out faster. The best mattresses are made with high-quality materials that last. The investment is well worth it in the end because you won’t have to replace your mattress as often.

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How To Tell If Your Mattress Needs Replacing

If you want to have a good night’s sleep, you need to invest in a high-quality mattress. Even with a good quality mattress, you can find that it does not serve you well after certain years. You might have trouble sleeping or suffer aches and pains after sleeping on an old, lumpy mattress.

So, how often should you replace your mattress?

Ideally, mattresses can last for about 7-8 years. Those having low-quality materials will break much sooner, and those of higher quality and some mattress types can last longer.

Before getting a new mattress, you need to find out whether

  • It is more than six years old and has reached the end of its lifespan.
  • It has lost its original shape and has become bent or shaggy in places.
  • It is negatively affecting your sleep.
  • You wake up sleepy and tired and do not feel rested.
  • You sleep better in hotels or when visiting your friend’s place than in your bed.
  • There is an increase in allergies or asthma in your household.

When you should replace your mattress can depend on its quality, wear and tear, and the material used.

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Gary Petillo

Garry is the mattress niche’s content director, which means he not only reviews new mattresses every week, but also curates all of TheFashionhash’s comparisons, best of pages, and video guides. He does his reviews in a simple, honest manner, attempting to provide viewers with an objective assessment of each new product he tests. Garry has honed his technique by personally testing over 200 different mattresses, allowing him to not only determine a specific bed’s overall vibe but also situate it within the bed-in-a-box market as a whole.

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You Wake Stiff And Sore

Poor sleep can contribute to chronic back pain. If you wake up stiff and sore every day, your mattress could be part of the problem. If your back pain is worse when you wake but subsides when you stretch and move around, thats a sign that the mattress is causing or contributing to your pain.

A firm mattress may not be the answer. A study from the Kovacs Foundation in Mallorca found that medium-firm mattresses provided better comfort for chronic low-back pain. Experts recommend sleep testing different types of mattresses before buying if you suffer pain while sleeping or when waking.

Your Allergies Are Out Of Control

Snooze News Ep. 44: How Often Should You Replace Your Mattress?

Not to be gross, but there are tons of dust mites and allergens just hanging out in your mattress, and that situation gets worse when mold, mildew, and dust start to take over as well.

If youre waking up in the morning with allergy symptoms like a headache, runny nose, and watery eyes, your old mattress could be the problem.

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Good Nights Sleep Or Good Bites Sleep

The main reason why sleep associations recommend replacing your mattress every 8-10 years is due to its potential to be a hotbed of bacteria. Imagine spending so much of your life on a 10-year-old mattress we doubt its clean at all .

Dust mites or bed bugs will make your mattress their home if left alone. Sure, you can use a mattress protector, but while that might prevent insect build-up, that wont be for forever.

Once you see one, chances are, there are others in different areas of your mattress. Nothing takes you out of the mood to sleep than a bite from a dust mite.

The presence of minuscule insects in your mattress extends beyond irritating bites. They threaten your overall health, and the longer you allow these critters to bug you, the worse its going to get.

When you discover mites and bugs, the life of your mattress is probably on its last legs. Next time you shop for a mattress, look for features such as water and dust mite-proof.

Something else to worry about is allergen accumulation. Dead skin cells and hair build up on pillowcases and mattress toppers, but they can also build up in your mattress.

If its time to say goodbye to your old and worn mattress, remember to look for a hypoallergenic and dust-mite repellant mattress.

My Allergies Or Asthma Are Getting Worse

Mattresses can be a haven for dust mites. On average, we shed around a pound of dead skin cells each year and your mattress takes the brunt of a significant proportion of this. This creates an optimal environment for bacteria to grow and for dust mites to thrive. If you notice an increase in your asthma or allergies, this could be a result of accumulated dust in the mattress, or worse still – the proteins in dust mite feces.

You can of course take steps to mitigate this issue, including hoovering your mattress regularly as well as flipping or rotating it . But if this doesnt help, a new mattress will be just what the doctor ordered.

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Signs You Should Replace Your Mattress

A good nights rest is crucial to your health and well-being, yet millions of Americans suffer from lack of sleep. The Sleep in America study by the National Sleep Foundation found that 75% of adults have problems sleeping well. The study showed that 60% of respondents experienced daytime sleepiness that interfered with activities, caused work absences, or mistakes on the job. While medical conditions may be responsible for some instances of bad sleep, it might be your mattress thats the issue. Review these seven signs that its time to replace your mattress to see if your bed is to blame for inadequate sleep.

When To Replace A Mattress

How Often Should You Replace Your Mattress

So how often should you change a mattress? You cant spend all that time on the same mattress. The average 60 year-old will have spent around 20 years on a mattress! Even an 18 year-old will have spent six years of their life on a mattress! Here are some tips on how to decide that your mattress should be renewed. Even if it still feels comfortable, there are reasons why it may be best to change it.

Most experts recommend you change your mattress after 8 years of use. After that term of continuous use, your mattress generally loses its support. That is your mattresss most important function: to support your body while you sleep. When it begins to lose its ability to do that then it is time for you to change it.

Lack of support by your mattress can lead to back problems and issues with the upper cervical area of your neck. You may start to feel stiff when you wake up, and perhaps feel the occasional twinge in your neck or the small of your back. Each of these is a warning of potentially serious spinal issues. Another sign that your bed is getting too old is when you sleep more comfortably in hotels or when staying overnight with friends or relatives.

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Are You Supposed To Flip Your Mattress

You can flip your mattress only if it is a double-sided mattress. Double-sided mattresses need to be flipped at least twice a year and rotated every three months, for even wear. Most mattresses are usually one-sided. Ask the salespersons or customer service representatives of the mattress manufacturers if the mattress is two-sided.

The Mattress Is Saggy

If theres a dent in your mattress in the shape of your body, thats a signal that your mattress is overly worn. Sagging can occur with almost any mattress material and can be observed under your sleep area, at the edges, or both. If your mattress has springs, they can break down and sag.

Fiber, foam, and pillowtop materials all break down over time and the deeper the sag in your mattress, the more discomfort youll likely experience. Saggy mattresses can disrupt sleep and cause aches and pains. If your memory foam mattress core has softened, you may feel the sag as a hammock effect.

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Mattress Type & Material

  • Memory Foam

Lower density foam beds may need to be replaced after 4-6 years. Over time the foams will break down under your weight and movement throughout the night. Higher density models could last up to 8-10 years.

  • Latex

Organic and natural latex materials may need to be replaced after 8-10 years. Synthetic latex beds may only last 6-8 years to perform at their best capacity. After this amount of time they may begin to sag or lose some of the bounce that makes them so popular.

  • Innerspring

These may need to be replaced by a new mattress every 3-5 years. It’s always a good idea to save any warranty information just in case they wear out before their time. Independently wrapped coils may also be some of the quickest to show wear, as they tend to compress much more than interconnected coils, making for great motion isolation, but faster wear.

  • Hybrids

A high-quality hybrid could last longer than 10 years, some brands even claim to last up to 15. However, because over time your bed will absorb oils and bacteria from your body, begin sagging, and may lose some of its bounce, it is still recommended to replace your mattress every 7 10 years.


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