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HomePainPillow Placement For Lower Back Pain

Pillow Placement For Lower Back Pain

Side Sleeping: A Solid Runner

Pillow Positioning to Reduce Shoulder and Back Pain

Side sleeping with your legs straight is the second-best position for avoiding back and neck pain. Its also a good position for snorers or anyone with sleep apnea because it keeps your airways open. If you can, stretch your legs out straight and tuck a pillow between your knees to keep your spine in a neutral alignment.

Another type of side sleeping with your legs bent upwards is less ideal for your back. Known as the fetal position, it may be the most popular sleep style, but it promotes an uneven distribution of weight that can cause back pain and sore joints. Try straightening your body into a relaxed position by untucking your chin and adjusting your knees. If youre pregnant, its a comfortable way to take the weight from your back.

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Find The Right Position

Certain sleeping positions can help ease your back pain, so find one that is most comfortable for you. Try sleeping with a pillow between or underneath your legs for extra support.

If you sleep on your side, put the pillow between your knees and draw them up slightly toward your chest. If you like to sleep on your back, try the pillow under your knees, or roll up a small towel and place it under the small of your back.

Avoid sleeping on your stomach because it puts a lot of strain on your back. If itâs the only position you can fall asleep in, put a pillow under your stomach to take some of the pressure off your back. Or, to break the habit, wear a sleep shirt with a pocket in front and put a tennis ball in it.

Can Back Pillows Help

  • With the use of back pillows to help maintain an upright position while sitting, the disc pressure can be reduced as much as 100 lbs. over a slumped forward posture. Additionally, according to the journal, Ergonomics, Volume 52, Issue 7 July 2009 , car driving is associated with the risk of developing low back pain and this may be related to exposure to whole body vibration. The study found that use of a movable back support reduces the transmission of vibration through the trunk and that it reduces low back muscle strain.
  • A study in the 2014 European Spine Journal used MRI to evaluate 90 patients to determine factors influencing lumbar spine disc and endplate degeneration. Of all the factors considered, having a greater lumbar curve was found to be a protective factor for degeneration of the lower back. This indicates that supports that help maintain the normal curve are useful in helping protect the back from pain.
  • A 2021 study in World Neurosurgery found compared to standing postures, slumped sitting was loss of lumbar spine lordosis and loss of disc height. The authors concluded the postural imbalances noted resulted from long standing lower lumbar spine bending forces which over stretch ligaments during slump sitting.

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When Should You See A Doctor About Lower Back Pain

Back pain is common and often recedes quickly, but its important to talk with a doctor if:

  • The pain began with a specific injury
  • Pain continues or worsens for more than a few days
  • Pain is debilitating
  • Pain radiates to the legs or other parts of the body
  • You experience weakness or numbness in your lower body
  • There are signs of infection like redness, warmth, swelling, or fever
  • You have a personal history of cancer
  • You have other unexplained health changes like weight loss or urinary problems

A doctor can review your symptoms and determine the appropriate next steps for testing, diagnosis, and treatment.

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Do You Have Neck Or Back Pain Your Sleep Style May Be Contributing

The Lower Back Pain Relieving Pillow System

If youve ever woken up with a tingling arm or achy neck, youve experienced the negative effects of sleeping in the wrong position.

The key is alignment: When you sleep with your spine in a neutral position, it reduces the strain on your back and neck. It also helps to sleep on a firm surface.

So which sleep positions should you embrace and which should you avoid? Heres a rundown, from best to worst.

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Alternate Sides If Youre A Side Sleeper

Some evidence suggests that habitually sleeping on one side on an ill-fitting mattress may contribute to muscle imbalance and pain. Always sleeping on the same side suspends the middle of your body between your hips and shoulders, the broadest parts of the trunk. Place a pillow between your knees as shown below to keep hips, pelvis and spine aligned.

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Sleep On Your Stomach With A Pillow Under Your Abdomen

Sleeping on your stomach might not be the best sleeping position for lower back pain, as has already been heard. You might feel that you cant sleep on your stomach with lower back pain because it adds pressure to your neck. But, if you have been a stomach sleeper for the longest time and cannot undo it, making certain adjustments can make this one of the most comfortable positions for lower back pain. The alterations are as follows:

  • Place a pillow under your pelvis and lower abdomen to lower the pressure from your back
  • After checking how this position feels, you may or may not place a pillow under your head

How To Relieve Lower Back Pain By Sleeping With A Pillow

Pillow Supported Positioning for Pregnancy

Improper sleeping postures can take a toll on your back. Here’s how to use a pillow to relieve lower back pain.

Hedy Phillips

CNET Contributor

Hedy Phillips is a freelance lifestyle writer based in New York. While she’s not writing on topics like living on a budget and tips for city dwelling, she can usually be found at a concert or sightseeing in a new city. Over the past 10 years, her bylines have appeared in a number of publications, including POPSUGAR, Hunker, and more.

Back pain can present itself at any given time and be caused by several factors. Back pain is also one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. According to a University of Georgetown study, more than 65 million people complain to their doctors about back pain, and 8% of adults in the study report chronic back pain, or pain that lasts for weeks.

While you can see a doctor for treatment options relating to your back pain, there are some more holistic approaches you can take at home, like stretching, using a massage gun or sleeping with a pillow between your legs. For the latter, we’ll give you some tips on how this simple solution can provide some relief for back pain. That way, you’ll fall asleep in no time and stay asleep all night without experiencing any pain.

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Sleep In A Fetal Position

If you have a herniated disc, curl up in a fetal position. When you lie on your side with your knees tucked into your chest, you’ll be able to minimize the bending of your spine and open up your joints simultaneously. If you choose the fetal position, use a pillow to give your head and neck some support.

Pillow And Body Placement

To help find lower back pain relief, place pillows under your knees or feet. If you experience discomfort with this position, try putting pillows between your legs instead. If the knee is uncomfortable, try putting another pillow between your thighs. Make sure that the pillow between your knees isnt too high or too low .

Another pillow strategy is to try sleeping on your back with a pillow placed behind you, so that youre not resting directly on the mattress. If sleeping on your back is uncomfortable, try sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs or beneath your stomach.

You may want to place a pillow under your head as well but be cautious of keeping the spine in its natural curve too muchflat pillows can cause you to cradle your head and bend the spine out of shape. A pillow should support both your head and neck in a position which doesnt cause any strain. If resting on your back, choose a firm pillow which can act as a cushion for your spine dont use two pillows unless they are of equal height . If youre sleeping on your stomach, choose a very thin pillow.

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Other back pain causes include lumbago and cauda equina syndrome. Your physician will ask about your symptoms, examine your back, and conduct an examination. The diagnosis will be based on the severity of your pain, but your symptoms should subside within two months. If the pain persists, you should consult a doctor to make sure it isnt something more serious. The best treatment for back pain is to rest and avoid physical activity.

If your back pain persists after a few weeks, you should consider a more serious diagnosis. There are many different types of back pain. Some people have a spinal disorder, which is more severe than others. Its important to get proper diagnosis and treatment for back pain. You should also make a lifestyle change that promotes your health and keeps you from experiencing pain. You can also see a physical therapist if you have a specific type of injury or if your back problems are recurring.

In addition to exercising, you should do light physical activities. Gentle exercise can help alleviate back pain. Yoga and pilates are both excellent exercises. The best exercises for backache are those that increase muscle tone and flexibility. You can also try over-the-counter pain relievers or heat to reduce the pain. If youre experiencing severe pain, your doctor may recommend a stronger medication to ease your symptoms. If the pain persists, you should consult with a medical professional and make an appointment with a physician.

Tip #: Be Mindful Of How You Get In And Out Of Bed

Top 10 Lower Back Pain  Leg Positioner Pillows  NorthButterfly

Jerking yourself out of bed quickly or getting in too fast can exacerbate lower back pain, so make sure youre careful about doing each.

  • When getting into bed: Sit down on the edge of the bed. Now engage your core and bend over the side while supporting yourself with your forearm. At the same time bring your knees to the bed. Now you can either stay on the side position, or roll onto the back.
  • When getting out of bed: Do the opposite of getting into bed. Roll onto your side first towards the edge of the bed, bend your knees, engage your core, then use your arms to help push yourself up and bring your legs over the edge of the bed. This will prevent you from doing a sit up, which can trigger pain.

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What Causes Back Pain Pillow Placement For Back Pain

Back pain causes are as diverse as they are common. The most common are muscular, skeletal, and disc problems. Despite their seemingly simple nature, these conditions can be very painful. Some of the most common cause of back pain is improper posture. You should always strive to sit with your shoulders over your hips. This helps to keep your spine in the proper alignment. When you deviate from this position, you put extra pressure on your back muscles, which may lead to muscle spasms and even a spinal stenosis.

Some of the most common back pain causes are as described above: a dull ache in the back that can radiate to the buttocks or legs. Although not all cases of back pain are as serious, there are a variety of symptoms that can be caused by back issues. A doctor can determine the exact cause of your back pain by asking about your symptoms and performing a physical exam. Sometimes an x-ray will be taken to check whether your bones are aligned properly and to rule out any broken bones. Unfortunately, x-rays cant detect if your disks and nerves have been damaged.

What Back Pain Treatment Options Are Available To Me Pillow Placement For Back Pain

There are many methods for treating back pain at home, but only a few of these have been proven to be effective. The most common treatment is rest and applying ice to the painful area. This treatment is very relaxing and should be used for only 10-20 minutes. It should never be applied while you sleep. Also, exercise and stretching exercises are essential for keeping muscles and supporting tissues flexible. While some of these methods may not seem like they are effective for you, they can help you overcome your back pain.

Physical therapy is a good option for treating back pain. It will help you improve your posture and strengthen your core muscles. Massage therapy and acupuncture are other options for relieving tension and reducing joint pain. Some people also find that water therapy improves flexibility and balance, while yoga helps them heal faster from injuries. Proper nutrition and lifestyle changes are also important for treating back pain. It is very important to consult a physician if you are experiencing back pain because it will help you avoid more serious conditions later on.

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Best Sleeping Positions To Fight Lower Back Pain

To make sleeping more comfortable during the lower back pain problems, here are some of the best sleeping positions you should try out. We must point out that you need to consult with a medical professional about these sleeping positions regarding a particular lower back condition you may have.

A medical professional will advise you whether or not you should sleep in these positions. We do not want you to create more problems for your back, so be careful when trying these out.

Best Pillows For Sleeping Positions

Best sleeping positions & pillow height to avoid back pain, neck pain & headaches

Sleeping positions are a major factor in determining the best kind of pillow. Sleeping on the back or side, if possible, is advised for those with neck pain.

  • When sleeping on the back. A fairly low pillow is better in this position. Extra support can be provided by adding a small rolled towel or small roll-shaped pillow positioned under the neck. The rolled towel or pillow can be put in the pillowcase. Some pillows combine both these elements by including a roll-shaped area for the neck and a deeper, lower area for the head.

    Some people find it beneficial to try and change the position of the pillow to be more comfortable. For example, many people find that sleeping with the pillow tucked under the shoulders a bit can be more comfortable. Tucking the pillow under the shoulders will position the head further up on the pillow, so the neck is not flexed . This position may feel as though the head is more extended slightly, and may be more comfortable for those with muscle pain in the neck.

    When sleeping on the back, it is best to place a pillow under the knees to minimize strain on the lower back as well.

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How To Sleep Better With Lower Back Pain

Getting quality sleep is an important part of recovering from lower back pain, but sleeping well may seem like a tall task when your back hurts. While theres no guaranteed way to get better sleep, certain practical tips can help:

  • Find a supportive sleeping position. Ideally, you can sleep on your side, but regardless of the position, make sure your spine is well-aligned. If needed, use extra pillows for body support.
  • Be careful with alcohol and caffeine. Though alcohol may help you doze off, it can throw off the quality of your sleep. As a stimulant, caffeine can make it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Try relaxation methods. Finding techniques to wind down can put you in the right state of mind for sleep with less focus on pain.
  • Reduce potential sleep disruptions. If you inadvertently wake up at night, pain may make it harder to get back to sleep. For that reason, try to eliminate excess noise and light from your bedroom or block them out with a sleep mask or earplugs. Set your bedroom to a temperature that will be comfortable throughout the night.

Focusing on sleep hygiene can improve your sleep habits so that you can sleep better both during and after episodes of lower back pain.


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