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Does A Memory Foam Mattress Require A Box Spring

Which Bed Frames Require The Use Of A Box Spring

Do I Need a Box Spring for my Memory Foam Mattress?

Traditional innerspring mattresses often require the support of a box spring . While its usually best not to use a box spring with new memory foam mattresses, traditional innerspring mattresses often require the support of a box spring . The following are examples of bed frames that often need a box spring:

  • Metal frame that can be collapsed
  • Certain Bed on a platform frames with slats

Does A New Mattress Really Require A New Box Spring

by Sleep Boutique | Jul 18, 2014

So you go into a Mattress Shop to purchase a new mattress, and the salesperson tells you that you need the same brand engineered Box Spring, so you dont void the mattress warranty. Do you go ahead with it? Do you really need a new Box Spring? Is it really engineered for that mattress?

The simple answer is NO, you dont. However, there are some things to look at to ensure that you dont cause premature wearing to your new purchase. The large retailers and manufacturers may void your warranty, but if you find the right company it shouldnt void any warranty. The right company will stand behind their product as long as you have a strong and supportive foundation.

What is a Box Spring? First off, lets go back in history a little bit to a time when there was no foam in mattresses and most mattresses were metal springs, cotton, wool, horse hair ect . These natural fibres last forever but are more of a padding layer. Basically, they compact over time and are firm and not soft and plushy. So, to make your mattress softer along comes the Box Spring.

A Box Spring generally adds more movement to your mattress, since you are on a bouncy surface. Another selling point would be the fact that as you go into and out of bed or do other activities, other than sleeping, the Box Spring below you would take some absorption and thus put less wear and tear on your mattress. This is somewhat true, but is not too big a concern with modern materials.

What’s The Difference Between The 115 And 145 Saatva Classic Height Options Expand/collapse

There’s absolutely no difference in feel and durability between them. The two height options are mainly aesthetic and based on your bed height preference or if you plan to use your mattress with an adjustable base.

NOTE: The 14.5″ mattress is NOT compatible with adjustable bases.

The height difference is created in the base coil unit. The 11.5″ mattress coils take two less turns than the 14.5″. This does not affect the overall feel and durability of the mattress, only its height.

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Box Spring Replacement Foundations

If you like the height that your box spring provides but itâs too old to use with your new foam mattress, a box spring replacement foundation is the way to go. That way, you still have the height youâre used to without sacrificing any support.

This Classic Brands Instant Foundation comes in all sizes and is very easy to assemble. Itâs perfect for memory foam and latex mattresses. Iâve tested it myself.

What Is The Best Box Spring For Memory Foam Mattress

Do You Need a Box Spring with a Memory Foam Mattress?

As we have already said, the best option for a memory foam mattress is a slatted foundation, and we highly recommend paying attention to this bed base, as it is firmer and more solid

Choose a foundation with at least 6 slats. Here are some of the best options on the market:

Still, it doesnt mean that there are no alternatives for foundations besides slatted bases. There are more interesting options to choose from.

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Are Box Springs Necessary Does A Memory Foam Mattress Need A Box Spring

In short, no. memory foam mattresses might not have their own internal springs but the foam is designed in such a way where it provides itself with its own support. A mattress foundation is probably more than enough support for a memory foam bed, With memory foam, you should be more concerned with creating a flat, even surface than necessarily propping up the mattress with additional springs.

If youre using an all-natural mattress, you may find that a set of box springs helps give your mattress a little extra bounce. If youre using an innerspring or foam bed, you could go with either a box spring or a foundation if your frame needs added height or doesnt have enough support.

If you dont have slats or a platform style frame, youll probably need to add a foundation to make sure your mattress isnt sagging or unevenly supported. For a Tuft & Needle mattress, a bed foundation will certainly help but isnt required if you have support at least every 5 inches built into your bed frame! Always check with the mattress manufacturer if you arent sure, if your mattress is sagging for a prolonged amount of time, you’ll lose support much sooner than you should. If it turns out you need a mattress foundation for your bed frame, here’s an inexpensive one we recommend:

Shelly Weaver-Cather

Do You Need A Box Spring Or A Solid Foundation With A Foam Mattress

All you need for your foam mattress is a solid base. Closely laid wooden slats, a metal base, a bunkie board, or even the floor will all do just fine in place of a box spring. That said, if your box spring is rigid and firm , it should be okay to use with a memory foam or latex mattress.

Typical foundations on the market today are either steel frame and steel frame/wood slat combinations or come with a nice zippered cover, and a solid wood top or even tacked cardboard. They are ideal for memory foam or latex mattresses because they provide a solid, uniform bottom for the foam cores. The less give you have, the better.

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Do I Need A Bed Frame

If you have the proper support base for your mattress, you dont necessarily need a bed frame. Headboards and footboards are mostly decorativethey dont support the bed.

If your mattress is resting on the correct foundation, that is all you need however, if you have a slatted foundation attached to your bed frame, you will not be able to separate the base from the framethe two must stay together.

For the most part, the frame is optional, but the base the mattress rests on, is not. You will need to have the right base for support and to preserve the life of your mattress.

Box Springs And Memory Foam Mattresses

Do You Need A Box Spring For Your Mattress? (FULL GUIDE)

While they are not needed, many still add box springs for their mattresses for many reasons other than making the weight distribution equal. Other functions include raising the heights of the mattress on top of their platforms or frames. Others bolt box springs on their bed foundation to make it steadier. Others also add box springs to keep their mattress covers in place before adding bedsheets to the mattress.

Box spring brands such as Zinus Edgar and ZIYOO have these features on their box springs. The ZIYOO Heavy Metal Mattress Foundation Box Spring has all the features needed on a box spring, and also have sizes ranging from Twin to California King bed sizes. It is easy to assemble and a little lighter amidst its metal composition.

Another recommendation is the Zinus Edgar Wood Mattress Foundation Box Spring , which is perfect for those who have wooden beds. It comes in a 4-inch height box spring that should add a bit of height on your memory foam mattress. The wooden structure makes it more complacent with your wooden bed frame while adding a stylish feel on your mattress when not covered with your bedsheets. Also, it comes with a 5-year warranty on all their box springs and offers box spring sizes from Twin to King beds.

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Do Memory Foam Mattresses Need A Box Spring: Conclusion

If you want to get the most out of your memory foam mattress, then it will need to be placed on a solid and heavy foundation. Some box springs are fine as long as they are well-made, solid and dont have huge amounts of space between the slats.

While you can strengthen your box spring by adding a bunkie board, its best to use a solid or slatted bed frame that is designed to work more efficiently with an all-foam mattress. Your sleeping position doesn’t effect this either, so whether you have a bed designed for back sleepers or you have a mattress for side sleepers, the approach is the same.

While box springs are the ideal fit for innerspring mattresses, providing breathability, support and minimizing motion transfer, if youre thinking about making the switch to a memory foam mattress, you might want to invest in a new bed frame at the same time.

This neednt be expensive, and plenty of brands offer discounts when you buy a bed frame and mattress together. You should be able to use your new frame with all types of mattresses, including memory foam and innerspring, making it a worthwhile investment in the long run.

Some brands like Nectar and Casper say their all-foam mattresses work with every bed base including box springs, so we’d recommend checking with the manufacturer to see whether your chosen memory foam mattress can be used with a box spring. This information is normally found in the FAQ section.

What Is A Box Spring

Box springs are wooden or metal spring-filled frames that are the same size or deeper than a mattress. They provide a surface for your mattress to sit upon to keep it supported, while boosting breathability and keeping the motion to a minimum all features that are important if you share a bed or sleep hot.

In most cases, box springs are made with springs or slats and feature a cloth covering. They help extend the life of your mattress by helping distributing your body weight. A good box spring will also add height to your bed ideal if you need to raise up your mattress to make it easier to get in and out.

Not all box springs are made equal though. In fact, some very basic models wear out easily, so you may find springs poking through. This could puncture your memory foam bed and pose a risk to you.

Memory foam mattresses in a box can also be much heavier than innerspring models and therefore need more support. That means not all memory foam mattresses need a box spring, as we’ll explain now…

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Do Hybrid Mattresses Need A Box Spring

A hybrid mattress contains a mix of foam and innersprings. Despite the springs within it, a hybrid does not require a box spring. In fact, adding a box spring could actually lessen the stability a hybrid already provides through its individually-wrapped coils and foam layers.

Instead, place your hybrid mattress atop a platform, foundation or an adjustable base. You can even go the minimalist route and use your bedroom floor as a base. But again, we stress that using a proper bed frame that’s suitable for your hybrid will do wonders for your overall sleep quality and the long-term health of your mattress.

Bed Frames/platforms Where A Box Spring Is Not Needed:

Q& A: Do You Need A Boxspring with A Memory Foam Mattress?
  • Platform Beds there is no need to have a box spring for mattresses placed on platform beds. The internal slats are strong enough to hold your mattress in place and support its foundation area to prevent a sinking foam from happening. This can also support the memory foam mattress on its lumbar support to the person lying on top of it.
  • Wooden-Slat Foundation Beds the identical width of every slat serves as great support on the mattresses foundation. The slate evenly distributes the weight of the mattress and the sleeper to the base of the bed frame. Therefore, there is no need for box springs to properly hold the mattress in place and keep an even weight distribution.
  • Adjustable Beds the flexibility of the bed frame makes box springs unusable in this situation. The memory foam over the adjustable bed frame moves with the folding and rising features. Adding a box frame for the adjustable bed would only stiffen the bed and not make it move alongside the adjustments made on the frame

If you intend to use a box spring for your memory foam mattress, it is best to know which bed platforms or frames are suitable for use. It will help you avoid the frustration of assembling the box spring only to find your bed frame not needing or making the box spring not functional or usable for your memory foam mattress size.

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Alternatives For Box Spring With Prices

So, here are the best alternatives for slatted foundations, as well as for box springs:

  • Solid platform beds. These are the best bases for pretty heavy foam mattresses., as well as hybrids and latex mattresses They can make your mattress last longer but this is not such a good option for hot sleepers because of lack of the airflow. The price varies from $300 to $2000.
  • Adjustable bed frames. These are the modern options for those who want to be able to adjust the angle of the bed at any time. They are perfect for people with health issues but are pretty pricey they cost from $650 to $2,000.
  • Bunkie board. It is a pretty thin board made of a firm material that provides extra support, no matter if you have a foundation or just a bed and a mattress. The cost is pretty low it varies from $50 to $200
  • Right on the floor. This will not make your mattress last longer, but some people still prefer to put their memory foam mattresses and hybrids right on the floor.

So, these are options that can be considered as alternatives for foundations. Two of them are definitely more expensive than box springs that usually cost $100-$500, but some people still prefer them, especially when it comes to memory foam mattresses.

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Your Guide To Memory Foam Mattresses

Memory foam offers one of the biggest breakthroughs in mattress technology of the past 50 years. They provide support for your pressure points like no other mattress in history. You probably know them best for their contouring effectwhich means when you lay down on the mattress, youll sink into the material as it adjusts to the contours of your body.

Depending on your preferences, you can find memory foam mattresses ranging from soft to firm. They also vary in terms of thickness, size, and density.

With all the different types out there, how do you know what type is right for you?

If you have further questions as to whether your frame will support a mattress email us pictures showing the frame you are attempting to put your mattress on and we can try to give you our opinion of whether it will work or not. You can also reach out to us at the toll-free number at the top of this page.

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The Low Profile Box Spring

For those whoâd prefer a box spring that does its job, but lets other elements like a quilted duvet or half a dozen fluffy throw pillows shine, look no further than our Josie Metal Mattress Foundation. The Josie keeps a low profile in more ways than one, with its one inch legs that give you just enough distance from the floor but lend themselves perfectly to a foundation for taller mattresses.

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Using A Box Spring For A Foam Mattress

Do you really need a box spring or foundation for your new mattress?

So why exactly can’t you use your old box spring? According to Casper, the slats on older box springs are too far apart to support the weight of a foam mattress, and that lack of support can cause it to sag. Instead, you need a platform with slats that are much closer together.

Casper’s redesigned box spring, “The Foundation.”

Casper sells The Foundation, a redesigned box spring that’s made to sit on a normal bed frame. It has slats that are closer together to support the Casper mattress.

Some other mattress companies, like Nectar, suggest that you actually can use your existing box spring to support a foam mattress, as long as it is supported by a metal bed frame, like this.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that most companies will encourage you to buy their brand-specific product to support the mattress, which of course, is advantageous for their bottom line.

Even if you’d rather skip buying another product, it may be worth considering getting a new platform because of the warranty issue. To be safe, check the warranty on your new mattress and verify with the company that the platform you decide to use will not void the manufacturer’s warranty.

Buying a new foundation from your mattress company isn’t the only way to support your new mattress. You can also create a flat surface with a bunkie board or a piece of plywood. Nectar has step-by-step instructions on how to do that.

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