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HomeNewsWhy Is A Good Mattress Important

Why Is A Good Mattress Important

Is It Good For Couples

The Importance of a Good Mattress | Get a Good Night Sleep | Lull Mattress Unboxing

If you sleep alone, you likely dont have to worry about edge support or motion isolation. For those of you who co-sleep, on the other hand, these are really important factors.

Some advice: You might want to rotate the mattress 180° every 3-6 months or so if you share your bed with a partner whose body weight is significantly different than your own. Rotating the bed will help the mattress wear more evenly over time.

How Important Is A Good Mattress

I’m currently in the market for a new mattress because I feel like I’m not getting ample sleep. It’s really confusing. There are so many brands to choose from, and prices range from $150 to $900. It’s hard to shop for mattresses online since I can’t try it out and can only make decisions on “reviews”, paid or not. Shopping at the store seems like I’m getting scammed, but I get to try the product.

I’ve read tips on how to get to sleep early from this link:

TL DC Here are the tips: Exercise/eat healthy/ Cut caffeine Get up earlier even when you are tired Get up at the same time daily, even weekends Turn on lights/get fresh air as soon as you wake up Eat a big breakfast Eat a small dinner/ no after dinner snacking Use bed for only sleep and sex Drink hot water or Herbal tea before bed turn off lights for 2-3 hours before bed wear a sleep mask Meditate Listen/watch the same relaxation video/music daily just prior to bed Keep your bedroom slightly cool, and uses blankets for warmth Create a scent routine Masturbate

edit: I was talking to my friend about this purchase, and he brought up an interesting point.

I have a problem going to bed early. I can’t sleep and toss and turn. I need to wake up at 5AM. Therefore I should sleep at 9PM. But my body wont fall asleep until 1AM. Then I wake up at 10AM, so I get 8 hours of sleep and feel fine. He’s saying that the bed isn’t affecting my sleep. It’s just trying to make the habit of sleeping earlier.

Which Mattress Is Right For You

Finding the right mattress isn’t about searching out the highest-tech brand or spending the most money. “A much more expensive mattress doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better,” Decker says. A high price tag is a product of both the materials that go into the mattress, and the marketing that helps sell it.

Instead of focusing on price and brand name, think about what you want in a mattress. “Selecting a mattress is very personal,” Decker says. Some people prefer a firmer mattress others favor a softer style.

Although there isn’t a lot of scientific evidence to prove that one type of mattress will help you sleep better than another, people with certain medical conditions do seem to rest easier on a particular mattress style.

Anyone with back or neck pain should take a Goldilocks approach to mattress buying: not too hard, and not too soft.

“If you’re on too soft a mattress, you’ll start to sink down to the bottom. But on too hard of a mattress you have too much pressure on the sacrum, and on the shoulders, and on the back of the head,” says Howard Levy, MD, an Emory University assistant professor of orthopaedics, physical medicine, and rehabilitation.

A medium-firm mattress, or a firm mattress with a softer pillow top, will give your spine that “just-right” balance of support and cushioning.

If you have allergies or asthma, you might have considered buying a bed labeled “hypoallergenic.”

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Are Sealy Mattresses Any Good Everything You Need To Know About This Mattress Titan

It’s the world’s biggest mattress brand. But is a Sealy mattress a good investment?

ByTom MayLast updated 2021-01-28T15:42:45.893Z

If you’re looking to upgrade your sleep setup, you may well have come across Sealy as an option. We spend about one-third of our life either sleeping, and doing so soundly and comfortably couldnt be more important to our health and mental wellbeing, so you really do want to buy the best mattress you can possibly afford. With that in mind, its natural to gravitate to a well-known brand, with a reputation for high quality. And Sealy certainly fits into that bracket.

The biggest bed brand in the world, Sealy has a long and illustrious history. It began producing cotton-filled mattress in the town of Sealy, Texas, in the late nineteenth century. In 2013, it merged with Tempur to create a company that now operates in more than 50 countries worldwide, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, South Korea and the UK. As well as mattresses, Sealy also sells beds and headboards, both separately and as part of a set.

Don’t want to pay full price? Browse the best cheap mattress deals live now.

Sealy claims to spend more on sleep research and product development than any other mattress brand in the world. And that investment seems to be paying off, because its products generally attract positive reviews from both mattress experts and general consumers for their high quality and overall value.

Are There Any Mattress Suggestions For People With Chronic Pain

What are some important symptoms that will tell you that ...

Dasgupta notes that sleeping positions are important, as studies have shown that 5060 percent of individuals with insomnia may have chronic back or neck pain making it even harder to fall or stay asleep.

Waking up with aches or pains can mean you slept in an uncomfortable position that put unnecessary strain on your neck or back.

To help with this, Dasgupta recommends adjusting your sleeping position or pillows.

Sleep hygiene counts, no matter how good your mattress is. To get your best nights sleep consider these practices:

  • Put down electronic devices and avoid blue light for at least an hour prior to bedtime.
  • Keep your room cool by opening a window, adjusting a thermostat, or using a fan.
  • If the neighbors dog, honking horns, or your noisy family stops you from sleeping, get a white noise machine or try a free app to drown out the sounds you cant control.
  • Keep to a schedule. A sleep routine that gets you up at the same time each day, and puts you in bed around the same time each night, can help your body and brain relax on cue.
  • Some people take melatonin, a dietary supplement and hormone that has been

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What To Look For If Youre Bedridden

For those who need to spend more than eight hours per day in their bed, particularly for those who will be bedridden for weeks or more at a time, a typical mattress may not provide the level of pressure relief that they need.

There are many varieties of mattresses and frames designed for those who spend much of their time in a bed. To find the right pressure relief mattress system, consider the following options:

  • Alternating Pressure Mattresses: You can find mattresses and top layers that are able to be inflated and deflated either manually or automatically at timed intervals. This allows for pressure relief and enhanced blood flow.
  • Water Mattress Top Layers: For those who need an option that can be used on top of a hospital bed mattress, there are water mattress toppers that can be placed on an existing mattress.
  • Pad Systems: There are a variety of different mattress pad system toppers that allow for pressure to be distributed. This is another good option for on top of hospital bed mattresses.
  • Adjustable Frames: Adjustable mattress bases allow for different angles throughout the day and night, changing up the pressure points and reducing the risk of pressure sores.

Mattress Padding Provides Comfort

In addition to the spring coils in a mattress, the padding on top of the mattress can indicate quality. Mattress padding is usually made of materials such as polyurethane foam, puffed-up polyester or cotton batting. Extensive mattress padding is often more expensive, but many people find it more comfortable and worth the extra cost.

See Pillow Support and Comfort

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What To Look For Based On Sleep Position

Do you sleep on your back, stomach, or side?

Side sleepers need the greatest pressure relief. The shoulders and hips stick out from the core of the body, creating curves that need to be adequately hugged and supported. Memory foam is usually the best mattress type for side sleepers. It allows those parts of the body to sink in, keeping the natural curvature of the spine intact.

Stomach sleepers do not need much pressure relief, but rather they need a firm, extra supportive mattress to allow them to keep a somewhat neutral spine alignment. Keep in mind that sleeping on your stomach makes correct alignment impossible, but a firm mattress is your best bet to avoid further aches and pains. Because stomach sleepers should prioritize support over contouring, most firm mattresses will be the best type of mattress for stomach sleepers, including innerspring, latex, or memory foam mattresses.

Back sleepers fall between side and stomach sleepers on the spectrum of pressure point relief requirements. The booty and heels need a bit of give, but not nearly as much as the hips and shoulders. Medium-firm mattresses tend to be the best mattress type for back sleepers, making latex and memory foam both good options.

Provides Support To A Mattress

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The structure of the box spring is purposefully designed to provide all-around support to the mattress. Its base is made of strong metal coils covered in fabric to allow the mattress to rest on a bouncier surface, without losing shape. Its sides comprise a metallic or wooden frame that provides edge support, and prevents the mattress from falling apart.

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What Are The Benefits Of A Thicker Mattress

A thicker mattress does not always guarantee a higher level of comfort. However, there are some benefits to be considered regarding specific sleep needs.

Reviews from couples and heavy people indicate that they find a lot of added comfort in a thicker mattress. When additional weight is applied on a thicker mattress, it is still able to provide comfort even with the emphasized compression. Instead of the comfort layers sinking down to the base, you will still be able to lie on the top of the bed and receive the benefits of an even and comfortable surface.

Thicker mattresses are often more durable. The additional material allows them to be functional for longer as there are more wear and tear allowed before the bed starts to sag and become unusable. As mentioned above, this additional durability comes at a price but is often worth the extra cost.

Expecting mothers may also want to consider a thicker mattress. During pregnancy, especially the third trimester, mobility is severely limited in women and they usually sleep on their side. Additionally, bending at the waist to sit down on a low surface becomes increasingly difficult.

A thicker mattress for pregnancy will make it easier to get into and out of it. This is particularly true during all the late-night bathroom trips that are sure to result from the additional pressure placed on the bladder by the growing baby.

May Increase Body Pains

This issue goes both ways. Some individuals may feel better while sleeping on the floor, while others may develop these pains instead.

This is because the floor is stiff, and depending on the comfort and support your body needs, sleeping on the floor might be good or bad for you. Additionally, the quality of your mattress also matters – thinner mattresses may feel too uncomfortable while on the floor.

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Raises The Mattress From The Ground

Sometimes, placing your mattress directly on the ground can make sleeping uncomfortable, and cause back pains. For example, if your mattress is thin, you may feel the stiffness of the base through it, so it wont offer the back support you might need.

The stiffness increases pressure on your joints and back, causing discomfort while sleeping. A box spring not only elevates the mattress off the ground, but also provides a bouncier and medium-firm surface for your comfort.

Sooo Why Are Mattresses So Expensive Are They Overpriced

The Importance Of A Good Mattress

Its a bit complicated. Basham confirms that mattresses have pretty high profit margins within the larger furniture industry. At mattress stores, the retail markup is a pretty typical 100 percent meaning the store will buy a mattress for, say, $500 and sell it for $1,000.

But its hard to say whether theyre actually overpriced mattresses are for sale at all different prices! You can buy a mattress that costs $200 to $300 or you can buy a mattress that costs $8,000 or $9,000, Basham says. Its all about what you want in terms of features and quality. That said, there are mid-price mattresses that are pretty darn good quality for the money. He says about half of mattresses sold are below $1,000, and half are above it.

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Maintaining Healthy Spine Alignment While Sleeping

Just as we should work on our posture during the day, we should work on our body alignment at night. If you sleep in poor alignment, you can experience similar discomfort as you would if you had poor posture during the day. Plus, there are unique problems that can come from poor sleep alignment.

If your spine isnt well supported and aligned when you sleep, you can experience:

  • Muscle strain
  • Daytime fatigue

What Do I Actually Get For Spending More Money

Basham says that theres a lot of marketing involved in mattresses, and a bit of sleight of hand regarding the prices at which theyre offered , but there are clear differences in the quality and material that goes into them as well. Its not clear cut across the board, but generally speaking, youre gonna get what you pay for, he says. Youre gonna get higher density foam in a density foam mattress that costs $2,000 versus one that costs $300. Itll hold up for a longer period of time, you wont sag into it, that type of thing.

Those bed-in-a-box companies that sell a setup for as little as $200 or $300, Basham says, have no support on the edges if you try to sit on the edge of the bed and tie your shoe, youre going fall right off, so there are definitely a lot of features you get when you pay up.

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Reasons You Should Invest In A Good Mattress

CEO at Boston Mattress | Sleep Consultant | Entrepreneur | Author | Mattress OEM Specialist

Getting a night of quality sleep is all dependent on the kind of mattress you sleep on. Quality is characterized by the ability of the mattress to provide comfort and serve its purpose for a very long period of time. Sleeping dictates the kind of day you will wake up to and also your general health. Below are reasons why you need to consider buying a quality mattress:

What Is The Best Mattress For You

Courtney explains why choosing the right mattress is important.

According to the Director of the Sleep to Live Institute, Robert Oexman D.C., the phrase good mattress is subjective. According to him, the best mattress for you is the one that feels right for you. He advises that to truly judge what feels right, you might want to take a 20-minute mattress test at the beddings storereplicating as much as possible how you usually sleep at your own nest.

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Eating Right Staying Hydrated And Getting Enough Sleep Are Vital To The Olympic Sprinters Training Regimen


Canadian sprinter Andre De Grasse simply could not sleep the night after his long-awaited gold medal win in the 200-metre dash at this past summers Tokyo Olympics. I think I got two hours sleep, he said.

The bout of insomnia was to be expected. It had been almost a century since a Canadian man had taken gold in the race , and De Grasse was just so excited. The only problem: he had to run in the qualifying round of the 4×100 metres relay race the very next day, and, for De Grasse, a good nights sleep is a crucial part of race prep.

When hes at home, he said, he simply sinks into his Endy mattress and drifts off. De Grasse has been sleeping on a California King since 2019, when, as part of a deal with the Canadian company, he was provided with a new mattress. But he cant take his bed on the road. I wish I could, he joked. Maybe I would have won gold in the 100-metre race too!

If you watched the Olympics, youll know that, in spite of his sleepless night, De Grasse rose to the occasion on the track the next day. In all, he earned three medals at the games, including the gold, a bronze for the relay, and another for the mens 100-metres. Heres what he had to say about his journey to get to the Olympics, and what comes next.

Q: It must have been disappointing when the Olympics were cancelled in 2020 how did you cope?

Q: What did winning gold in the 200-metres race at the Olympics mean to you?

Q: What kind of nighttime routine do you follow?

What Does A Mattress Protector Do

A mattress protector accomplishes four things:

  • Keeps the mattress clean. Human bodies are pretty gross. We all perspire at night. We all produce oil from our skins. Some of us wear makeup. We all also shed dead skin cells. There are other activities that can produce a wet spot on the bed. All of this can soak through your sheets and into the mattress. Once a little gets into your mattress, its almost impossible to get it out of your mattress. A mattress protector prevents any of that from getting into the mattress and can be taken off and washed.
  • Keeps the mattress feeling in like new condition for longer. Perspiration will wear down the foams in the mattress, shortening the comfort life. Its a similar effect to a kitchen sponge after too many uses. Even if only a little moisture gets through, after years of every night use that adds up. You will need to replace your mattress more quickly without the protector.
  • Helps prevent dust mite allergies from acting up.Dust mite allergies are very common and can lead to issues such as sneezing, runny nose, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Dust mites eat dead skin cells, and there will be dead skin cells in your mattress if you dont use a protector.
  • Helps protect the warranty. As I mentioned in my warranty post, a stain will void the warranty. Even if the stain has nothing to do with the warranty issue, it still voids the warranty.

For all those reasons, everybody needs a mattress protector.

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